Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Dramatic function in the play Essay

In the play, â€Å"A View From The Bridge†, we are faced with emotions that we have probably all felt or will feel during our lifetime. However, when these emotions are taken to extremes, it could lead to unimaginable consequences. Covered here are some of the more complex and intriguing relationships that shape the whole play, from beginning to end, from the innocent love of a young woman to the dark sinister workings of a mind driven beyond logic and reason. One of the most interesting and complicated relationships in the play is that of Eddie and Catherine. Catherine is Eddie’s niece through marriage and has been cared and provided for by him ever since her mother died whilst she was still a baby; â€Å"with a sense of her childhood, her babyhood, and the years† and during that time, they have grown very close, Eddie treats her like his own daughter. He likes it when she greets him when he gets home, when she treats him like a father; â€Å"Eddie is pleased and therefore shy about it†¦Ã¢â‚¬  However, as revealed later the play, Catherine thinks of Eddie as more than an uncle or a father, she thinks of him almost as her husband; â€Å"If I was a wife I would†¦ now I’m supposed to turn around a make a stranger out of him?† She was originally talking about Beatrice but towards the end of the sentence, she was talking about herself, putting herself in Beatrice’s place as though she was the wife that was making s stranger out of the husband. Catherine matches Eddie’s love for her perfectly, seeking his approval in everything she does, she is eager to please him and is happy when he is happy; â€Å"You like it?† she asks about her skirt, â€Å"you like it?† she asks about her hair. In fact, when Eddie says â€Å"beautiful† she says â€Å"You like it, huh?†; this is a rhetorical question, she’s seeking more than approval, she’s seeking confirmation, because Eddie’s opinions matter to her and it pleases her tremendously to see that he likes what she’s doing. However, when Eddie says that she’s walking wavy and â€Å"ain’t all the girls† Catherine is very upset; â€Å"†¦almost in tears because he disapproves.† There is a point where Catherine cares too much about Eddie’s views, from the play, we can tell that she has put off a few of her lifetime ambitions to keep him happy; as Beatrice says: â€Å"I don’t understand when this ends. First it was gonna be when she graduated high school, so she graduated high school. Then it was when she learned stenographer, so she learn stenographer. So what are we gonna wait for now?† Eddie has obviously been thinking up all kinds of reasons to keep her at home. He says that he just doesn’t want her working with the wrong people and that she should get a good education and go and meet a nice, well-educated (preferably rich) young man and settle down and get out of the working class world.  Most of this we can believe, not only does Eddie love Catherine, he is also very protective of her; â€Å"I know that neighbourhood, B., I don’t like it.†Ã‚  Maybe Catherine doesn’t realize it but all her fondness is what makes him so overprotective of her, she acts like a little child around him; Catherine: â€Å"He thinks I’m a baby.† Beatrice: â€Å"That’s because you think you’re a baby. I told you fifty times already†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and Eddie is so used to that he just can’t accept the fact that she is growing up. He likes to come home to her childish antics, he likes to have her waiting on him hand and feet. There may be a slight ego problem when he realizes that Catherine’s pay is going to be so high, even higher than his if the estimate he gave Marco is a direct correspondence of his salary; â€Å"But I think you could probably–thirty, forty a week, over the whole twelve months of the year.†Ã‚  Eddie is obviously not ready to give up the job as the man of the house, metaphorically speaking, he’s used to having everyone look up to him. He doesn’t take Beatrice seriously and Catherine has always been so childlike and adoring, â€Å"she sits on her heels beside him.† Suddenly, Eddie feels that someone is threatening his position and that concept scares him, it’s the same fear as when Rodolpho steps into Catherine’s life, he’s becoming the object of Catherine’s affections, not Eddie. Quite a lot has been mentioned on the boyfriend front; Eddie is unwilling for Catherine to show interest in the male populous; Eddie: â€Å"Listen, I could tell you things about Louis which you wouldn’t wave to him no more.† Catherine: â€Å"Eddie, I wish there was one guy you couldn’t tell me things about.† Not only does this show that he discourages any interest Catherine develops, he also does it very often, sometimes when Catherine isn’t even interested in them, just to be on the safe side. Could there be more to this relationship than just parental concern, care and love? Could it be that Eddie is harbouring some secret desire for Catherine that he is too ashamed to act upon but is enough to make him feel better when she only has him and no one else? A father would be glad if his daughter found love, but a boyfriend would be jealous, and Eddie was certainly not glad when Rodolpho wins over Catherine’s heart. In the beginning of Act Two, Eddie was drunk and when he came home, he kissed Catherine on the lips. As the Romans said, in vino veritas, which means there is truth in wine, what is normally hidden is exposed as the person loses sense of inhibition and sometimes even logical thought; in this case, Eddie’s desire for Catherine. Of course, Catherine has already been pretty upset with him already and this was just putting salt to the wound. She didn’t admit straight away to Rodolpho that Eddie’s views were once again affecting her judgement, she asks him the questions that Eddie has been harbouring ever since he arrived and especially after talks about marriage and says that they are her own questions, she even suggests that they go live in Italy because she imagined it would be beautiful but really it’s just covering up her fear of Eddie, even though she did admit to it; â€Å"I’m afraid of Eddie here.† Rodolpho saw right through her, he could see that she was frightened and wanted to get away from Eddie. Rodolpho: â€Å"My heart dies to look at you. Why are you so afraid of him?†Ã‚  At this point, Catherine still feels that Eddie’s change of mood was partially her fault; â€Å"I would — just feel ashamed if I made him sad†. Ever since the beginning of the play, Catherine always seemed to be in constant uncertainty and fear of Eddie, but never of his actions, more of his opinions because it mattered so much to her but since after the kiss, she has developed a physical fear of him, of what he could and would do to her and the people she loved and that includes Eddie himself. â€Å"Wait outside, don’t argue with him† Catherine says, wanting to keep Rodolpho safe from Eddie.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Affect of Fast Food

Primary Factors that Affect Choice of Fast Food PRIMARY FACTORS THAT AFFECT CHOICE OF FAST FOOD AMONG INDIVIDUALS OF DIFFERENT COUNTRIES AND DIFFERENTIATIONS IN HEALTH PERSPECTIVES RELATED TO CONSUMPTION OF FAST FOOD ABSTRACT The objective of this research is to identify the impact that culture has on the consumption of fast food and to compare the difference in buying behavior in different countries.Finally, this work will investigate the major factors that affect customer’s choice in fast food and to understand the relationship between food consumptions and health. This study has made a qualitative examination of fast food consumption among individuals of various nationalities and ethnicities in various countries specifically as related to consumption of fast food through an extensive review of literature in a study reported in interpretive and descriptive findings.Literature reviewed in this study is of an academic and peer-reviewed nature and published in journals, books, and professional literature and is of a recent nature. Globalization is greatly changing society and culture all around the globe in terms of consumer choices, lifestyle, individual preferences, socialization and custom and at the same time all of these factors are individualizing and changing specific aspects of marketing for fast food restaurants such as McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and others.In short, understanding factors affecting consumer choices regarding fast food is a complex focus of research because many diverse and various factors must be taken into consideration in terms of fast food and indeed the non-foodness’ (Kwan, 1999) this study has found that non-food related factors affecting consumer choice of fast food establishments on a local and international basis include factors such as: (1) individual choice; (2) religious; (3) group preferences; (4) health-related factors; (5) location and availability of restaurant choices; (6) costs; (7) sociali zation; (8) time available for eating; (9) with whom they are eating the food; (10) whether the individual is a student in a college or university within the proximity of a fast food restaurant. OBJECTIVEThe objective of this research is to identify the impact that culture has on the consumption of fast food and to compare the difference in buying behavior in different countries. Finally, this work will investigate the major factors that affect customer’s choice in fast food and to understand the relationship between food consumptions and health. INTRODUCTION This study focuses on the factors that affect the choice of fast food by individuals in various countries throughout the world and specifically as related to buying behavior as related to consumptions of fast food and health perceptions among these individuals and different cultures. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDYMany studies have cited health-related affects from fast food consumption therefore this study has sought to investi gate the factors that affect the choice of fast food among different individuals in various countries throughout the world and the related health perceptions of these individuals as related to consumption of fast food. METHODOLOGY This study has made a qualitative examination of fast food consumption among individuals of various nationalities and ethnicities in various countries specifically as related to consumption of fast food through an extensive review of literature in a study reported in interpretive and descriptive findings. Literature reviewed in this study is of an academic and peer-reviewed nature and published in journals, books, and professional literature and is of a recent nature. INTRODUCTIONGlobalization is greatly changing society and culture all around the globe in terms of consumer choices, lifestyle, individual preferences, socialization and custom and at the same time all of these factors are individualizing and changing specific aspects of marketing for fast fo od restaurants such as McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and others. In short, understanding factors affecting consumer choices regarding fast food is a complex focus of research because many diverse and various factors must be taken into consideration in terms of fast food and indeed the non-foodness’ (Kwan, 1999) of fast food must be examined. ‘Non-foodness’ is a term coined in the work of Kwan (1999) which is a term used to refer to other reasons that fast food is chosen for consumption among consumers internationally. These factors will be specifically focused on in this study. RESEARCH QUESTIONS ) What different views are held among different cultures in countries throughout the world relating to consumption of fast food? 2) What are the health perspective differentials existing among individuals in various countries throughout the world related to fast food consumption? 3) What are the primary factors that affect the consumption of fast food by col lege-age students from various countries of the world? 4) Is consumption of fast food an addition to- or an extension of- cultural issues surrounding food consumption? 5) What non-food related factors affect consumer choice of fast food establishments internationally and locally? LITERATURE REVIEWThe work of Jiang (2006) entitled: â€Å"American Fast Food in Chinese Culture† states that the research reported is of a study that examined the affects of American fast food culture on Chinese eating habits and the perceptions that the Chinese population have on their general health statuses and the effects of American fast food on Chinese health. Factors listed in this study for consumption of fast food included: (1) Convenience; (2) Speed; (3) Clean and quiet environment; (4) Children being the reason for visiting fast food establishments. Included in reasons for visiting fast food establishments by the Chinese individuals interviewed by Jiang were the reasons stated as: (1) Clea nliness; and 2) Preference for the food. In the country of China Jiang (2006) states that places: â€Å"†¦such as McDonald’s and KFC represent the attainment of the desired urban Chinese life. They are places where small companies started by recent college graduates hold office meetings. They are popular dating spots among the young adults and quiet places to get away from the hustle and bustle of metropolitan life for the increasing population of white collar workers. The well lit, standardized and clean restaurants represent the antithesis of the traditional Chinese restaurant in which franchises are rare, busy meal time are always loud, and the older generations tend to prefer. (Jiang, 2006) Jiang relates that these fast food restaurants in China place an emphasis on the culture and social status which is reflected in â€Å"†¦the business strategies of the fast food companies in targeting the younger generation with weight loss salads, quiet environments and tr endy music. † (2006) The younger generation in China have different values than do their parents â€Å"†¦the standards for social status have changed as well. Changing standards which American fast food among other companies have been catering to include the creation of â€Å"†¦non-smoking, clean, professional franchises that make the younger generation feel comfortable and upscale.At McDonald’s for example, they are treated in the same manner as a successful businessman thirty years their senior. At Starbucks, the standardized menu allows them to have their favorite drink made the same way no matter which franchise they visit. At KFC, one can sit down to study without being bombarded by loud yells from smoking middle-aged men talking business over beer. Whereas previous generations favored personal attention, the new generation now favors personal comfort. In order to be successful, consequently, new businesses have to target the intra-generational cultures . † (Jiang, 2006) The work of Wai Yin Kwan entitled: â€Å"American Fast Food in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China† (1999) relates some very interesting facts.Kwan (1999) conducted a survey among Texas students from Hong Kong, Taiwan and China. Findings of the survey include the following stated reasons why these individuals choose fast food: (1) Because it is â€Å"something new and different† – Kwan relates that â€Å"since hamburgers, pizzas, and french fries are not items found in the traditional Chinese diet, many first time customers went to the fast food places just to find out what the food and the entire fast food experience were like. † (1999) (2) American – Kwan relates that for some of these individuals the aspect of the individuals in this study because it provided them with a â€Å"change to participate in and associate themselves with the American culture. (1999) Kwan’s study revealed that because â€Å"people have differin g conceptions of what America is, the exact aspects of American culture that the consumers found appealing also differ. For the younger generation the American fast food/tee-shirt and jeans culture represents a lack of formal rules, casualness, and youth. For young adults who are involved or wish to be involved in the business world, American fast food represents the modern, global culture. † (1999) (3) Something special – Kwan relates that in the advent of the fast food chains â€Å"†¦their prices were relatively high compared to lower end, traditional eating establishments. The high prices prevented most people from going there on a regular basis, and therefore fast food was seen a special treat. (1999) (4) Tourist destination – Kwan relates findings that since fast food places are generally concentrated in the large urban areas â€Å"†¦and have not yet reached rural towns, many rural tourists who visit large urban cities in China make a special tri p to fast food places. Many tourists have their picture taken in front of the McDonald's sign or with the Ronald McDonald statue outside the restaurant to document their contact with an exotic culture. â€Å" (1999) (5) Location, location, location – Over a period-of-time, Kwan’s study notes that â€Å"†¦as the number of fast food outlets increased, the reasons why people go to fast food places changed. All the interviewees who have become accustomed to the presence of the fast food chains now cite the numerous locations as a major reason for going to fast food outlets.Some of the students said while they would never make a special trip to go to a fast food place, they sometimes ate fast food because they happened to walk by a fast food place when they were hungry. † (1999) Additionally, other than the number of fast food outlets, the locations were noted to play an integral role in the popularity of fast food among the students from Hong Kong, Taiwan and China as many of these outlets are located nearby schools and college campuses and students were stated to be prone to gather in these outlets in the late afternoon and early evening following classes. (6) The Toys! – McDonald’s was found to be popular among youth from Hong Kong, Taiwan and China because of the toys provided with the Happy Meal. Kwan states: â€Å"Recently the Happy Meal toys also attracted the attention of the adult market.The sales of Happy Meals at McDonald's in Hong Kong jumped 80% in 1998 after the introduction of the Snoopy doll, and jumped 10% in 1999 after the introduction of the Hello Kitty doll This increase in sales was driven by both kids and adults who bought and then resold the dolls at twenty times the original price. † (1999) (7) Friendly staff – According to Kwan another reason cited for the popularity of fast food was the friendly staff and atmosphere. Findings of the survey relate that quality of service varies at other high-end expensive and traditional restaurants â€Å"while the quality of service at traditional places varies greatly depending on the personality of the waiter, the students said that the cashiers at the fast food places are always smiling and polite. † (1999) (8) Cleanliness – Kwan relates the fact that Taiwanese and Chinese students â€Å"†¦were also impressed by the cleanliness of the fast food places.One reason for the cleanliness is the fact that unlike traditional restaurants where the customers leave all the dishes on the tables when they leave, the customers at the fast food places throw their own trash away. The students were also impressed by the fact that employees were constantly sweeping the floors and cleaning the windows. † (1999) The students from Hong Kong however, â€Å"†¦didn't express the view that the service and cleanliness of American fast food chains are superior to domestic eateries. † (1999) Kwan reports that in surv ey questions that focused entirely on fast food at McDonald’s the following findings were stated: (1) Friendly atmosphere – Kwan relates that the tops reasons for choosing McDonalds among the students from Taiwan and China included: (a) clean atmosphere; (b) friendly atmosphere. Secondary was the food itself. 2) Cheap prices – Kwan relates that unlike China and Taiwan â€Å"†¦where the prices at McDonald's were higher than traditional food eateries, the prices at McDonald's in Hong Kong are cheaper than most other eateries. The low prices were very attractive to the young students who had a limited supply of money. † (1999) Kwan relates that among the students he surveyed that â€Å"none of the students I interviewed expressed a strong negative view of the American fast food chains. Also stated in the findings of the study conducted by Kwan (1999) is: â€Å"While there is a bias against American fast food, especially among the older generation, the bias isn't for reasons that American critics normally cite.Many of the students said that their parents never even wanted to try American fast food because of the fact that they didn't consider it real food. In their opinion a real meal consists of rice or noodles, some meat and vegetables, not â€Å"two slices of bread, a small piece of meat and some ketchup. †(Kwan, 1999) The students from Taiwan, China and Hong Kong, held the view that the more choices available to them all the better and as well nearly all of the students held the belief that â€Å"†¦of the students also shared the common belief that the introduction of American fast food companies was not a threat to their culture, because they believe that the Chinese people are too proud of their food culture to ever let fast food replace traditional food. † (Kwan, 1999)This study reports that among those students who enjoyed eating fast food it was viewed as â€Å"†¦more as alternative to their dail y diet, rather than being the main part of their diet. † (1999) Kwan relates that there was no expressed concern among Hong Kong and Taiwanese students â€Å"over the widespread presence of fast food back home, some of the students from China were bothered by the rapidly increasing presence of fast food in China. One student said while she readily accepts the presence of McDonald's in the urban cities, she is less supportive of the idea of McDonald's spreading into the rural areas. † (Kwan, 1999) Kwan humorously states: â€Å"Relax people, it's just capitalism! (1999) It is reported that the students surveyed held a belief that the fast food corporations are just â€Å"corporate behavior as a natural part of doing business†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (1999) The students surveyed by Kwan did not have a negative image of American fast food companies and some even held the belief that local food culture has been improved by the introduction of the fast food restaurants. The reason sta ted for this is: â€Å"Previous to the introduction of fast food, not much attention was paid to the service and cleanliness of inexpensive, small scale eateries; good service and a clean environment were high priorities only in expensive, high scale restaurants.The students, who are old enough to compare the conditions of local eateries before and after the introduction of fast food, said that some local restaurants are trying to improve their service and cleanliness in response to the competition from the American fast food industry. † (1999) The study conducted by Kwan also reveals the situation that occurred in Hong Kong: â€Å"In 1974 the founders of Cafe Coral changed the eatery from a traditional style restaurant, to a self-service system that combined Chinese style food with Western style concepts of mass production, quality, service, cleanliness, and value. By 1999 Cafe de Coral had 112 fast food outlets in Hong Kong, second only to McDonald's 147 outlets.These dome stic fast food companies have taken what they have learned from Western fast food companies and created viable alternative for local consumers who want both the service, cleanliness, and low prices associated with Western fast food and the taste of traditional Chinese food. † (Kwan, 1999) Kwan relates that the rapid spread of American fast food in China â€Å"†¦China should not simply be seen as one-way process of foreign business imposing their product on local consumers. Consumers have as much affect on the way the product is perceived and used, as the corporations that market the product. † (1999) Adjustments have been noted in the menu offerings by the fast food restaurants in order to adapt to the tastes of the locality which includes offering of the Teriyaki burger by McDonald’s and the offerings of a seafood Pizza by Pizza Hut topped with shrimp and squid.Students in numbers have made note of the fact that the Spicy Chicken Wings at Kentucky Fried Chi cken (KFC) were greatly liked and Kwan states this is due to the fact that â€Å"Chinese people generally consider the wings, not the breast or the thigh, as the juiciest and best part of the chicken. † (1999) Another aspect of the attraction of fast food to consumers that differentiates American and Hong Kong customers is the time spent at a fast food establishment. American consumers are stated to spend, on the average, 11 minutes while the Hong Kong consumers reporting spending, on-the-average, 20-25 minutes at the fast food establishment. Kwan relates: â€Å"One student I interviewed said she and her friends would often go to McDonald's for a â€Å"quick† thirty minute meal before going somewhere else such as the movies. While for Americans the idea of spending thirty minutes eating fast ood seems to contradict the purpose of going to a â€Å"fast† food place, to Chinese consumers this behavior is quite normal. † (1999) Also stated among the findings of the study of Kwan is that the fast food establishment is a â€Å"place to hang out†¦a social gathering place for people, especially youths and college-age people. † (1999) The location of these establishments centrally located to schools, universities, and colleges and allowed those who frequented these fast food restaurants to hang out as long as they like, although the study reveals that other waiting customers did often apply pressure and hurry those with tables to eat and surrender the table and with other customers soon to follow to pressure those just having gained the table to give it up to them.Kwan specifically relates that one of the primary reasons for fast food restaurants becoming a chosen hangout is because â€Å"†¦there are no other food establishments that students and their friends could hang out. The owners of small, family-owned Chinese restaurants expect the customers to finish eating in a reasonable amount of time so that new customers can b e seated. The fancier restaurants, that are more accommodating to people who stay for longer periods, are too expensive for most youths. â€Å" (1999) The social aspect of fast food restaurants reflects that status of eating in socialization among these students. Kwan relates findings that eating, among the students surveyed â€Å"was considered a social activity to be shared with others.All of the students said that they would usually or almost always go out to the fast food places with someone else. Some students even said that they would never go out to eat alone. For some students the primary purpose of going to the fast food places was to hang out, not to eat. A few of the students said that they went to the fast food places, even though they didn't like the food, because their friends wanted to go. They would order a drink and maybe something small like fries or a dessert, and spend quite a while there just hanging out and talking with their friends. † (1999) Kwan note s the ‘Non-foodness of fast food† in that it has been assimilated into accepted local culture†¦Ã¢â‚¬  although this is certainly on a global scale, et this type of food is not viewed the same as traditional Chinese food in the Chinese culture. Chinese food is not only traditional in its content but in its cultural form as well the vast array of available dishes when eating in a Chinese restaurant is accompanied by a great and lengthy discussion as to the ‘quality’ of the food â€Å"†¦and urging others to eat more. † (Kwan, 1999) Furthermore, it is revealed in this study that Chinese fast food consumption is through â€Å"a simple routine of picking which number value meal they want. † (Kwan, 1999) One of the primary findings in this study is that â€Å"many people don’t expect to get full from fast food.Kwan states that students related: â€Å"†¦they would feel ripped off if they went to a traditional place and didn't g et full, the fact that they didn't get full from McDonald's never bothered them. A few of the students even commented on the fact that two or three hours after eating fast food, they would get hungry again. If they had eaten a real meal, meaning rice, meat, and vegetables, then they would be full for the rest of the night. † (1999) Kwan’s study notes that the reactions of the overseas students to fast food in America includes the findings that to these students interviewed from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong: â€Å"Chinese made American fast-food tastes better† accredited to the spices in China which are put in the burgers make them taste better than in America.Chinese students state that pizza is even better in China and stated in the survey: â€Å"Many of the overseas students said that they were disappointed the first time they ate pizza here in America because they were used to eating pizzas with five or six toppings back home. They thought it was a rip off tha t the pizzas in the U. S. usually only come with one topping. † (Kwan, 1999) Among the students interviewed Kwan states findings that â€Å"the ubiquitous nature of fast food is also another reason for their decreased interest in fast food. Since the allure of eating something â€Å"different†, something â€Å"American† is gone, the only reason left to go to the fast food places is the food itself. For most of the students I interviewed, the food just isn't enough of a reason to go to the fast food places. † (1999)Kwan concludes the study by stating: â€Å"The reasons consumers in China, McDonald's and Hong Kong go to fast food places is much more complex than the fact that â€Å"Chinese consumers are obsessed with all things American. † Their reasons for going to fast food places range from characteristics shared by consumers throughout the world, such as convenience, location and hunger, to reasons that based on specific cultural values, such as the view that eating is a social activity. Ironically the food itself only plays minor role in the popularity of fast food. The emphasis on going to a fast food place as a social activity, rather than a eating activity, offers a definition of the term â€Å"fast food† that is vastly different from the one created by the business executives. † (1999)The work entitled: â€Å"Fast Food: Faster Way to Ill Health† published in ‘The Hindu’ relates that while country has â€Å"the largest epidemic, in any nation, of malnourished people†¦Ã¢â‚¬  as well India â€Å"will soon be the largest epidemic of any national, of obese and diabetic people who will be prone to trouble with their kidneys, eyes, nervous systems, or other parts of the body. † (Balasubramanian, 2008) This is attributed to policies, or actually a lack of policies â€Å"of successive governments, central and state†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ((Balasubramanian, 2008) This report relates that fa st food or ‘junk food in India’ â€Å"does not come any faster than the traditional idli, vada, dosa, samosa, pakoda or chat in our shops and stalls; indeed it comes slower. † (Balasubramanian, 2008) The report relates a typical scene in India stating: â€Å"One report says that over 23 per cent of the children in Delhi are obese.One hopes that this estimate is not true; if it is, one shudders to think of the numbers in Mumbai, Hyderabad, Pune, Chennai, Kolkata, Gurgaon and other nouveau riche cities with their fast pervading mall culture and fast food attractions. Here is a typical scene from one such mall in Hyderabad. It has a 4-movie multiplex theatre, surrounded by 40-odd fast food kiosks and 20-odd shops that sell clothing, perfumes and jewelry, music and video CDs and DVDs and the like. Not one of them sells traditional Indian meals or snacks. And the mall, like 20 others in the city, is filled with thousands of youngsters who obviously have enough to spe nd. We did not have such scenes in India twenty years ago, but this mall and fast food culture is expanding explosively across India. This too is part of the globalization of India, a part that auses great concern about the health of its citizens. † (Balasubramanian, 2008) Balasubramanian reports a research conducted by the research firm ‘Synovate’ recently among thirteen countries on â€Å"food habits and health, particularly fast food culture and obesity. † (2008) Findings in the study reported by Balasubramanian (2008) state the â€Å"†¦the number one fast food nation in the world is the United Kingdom. About 45 per cent of the people there are fast food eaters, and say â€Å"I like the taste of fast food too much to give it up. † (Balasubramanian, 2008) Following a close second are Americans at 44% and Canadians in very close behind in third place consumption of fast food and 37%.Very different findings are stated for the French who reject fast food at a rate of 81% and Singaporeans who reject fast food at a rate of 71%. Balasubramanian notes that while â€Å"†¦these two countries too are globalized, developed nations, and yet their people reject fast food. † (Balasubramanian, 2008) Balasubramanian states that a paradox exists among the French in that there are so very few incidences of metabolic type disorders and diseases. This could well be the fact that only 30% of those in France are overweight while â€Å"less than 24 percent in Singapore†¦Ã¢â‚¬  are overweight. Those overweight in China are at approximately 18% and 15% of individuals were obese in India until 1980 when that rate climbed rapidly to 27%.Balasubramanian makes a comparison of fast food and traditional food in India and states: â€Å"A hamburger with toppings yields 300 calories (cal) and 10 grams (g) total fat. A slice of pepperoni pizza has 180 cal and 7 g fat. A 12-oz (340 ml) can of Coca Cola yields 155 cal, and a small porti on of McDonald’s French fries has 210 cal, and as much as 15g total fat (and the bad ones, the trans fats, form 4g of this amount). More often than not, these are eaten as snacks and not as meals, and thus add to the calorie and fat content- contributing to obesity and associated ill health. † (2008) Balasubramanian states that in comparison to Indian snacks nd ‘tiffin’ that these â€Å"†¦one midsize idli offers 70 cal and 0. grams fat, a sada dosa 140 cal and 5 grams fat (hence a set dosa or steamed dosa is better), and a samosa packs 370 cal and 18 grams fat (matching a pizza slice or a plate of fries). A glass of lassi (200 g) gives you 140 cal and 2 grams fat (only if it is not ‘malai dal ke’). In the list of fattening dishes of India, korma and biryani stand on top, while ‘tikka’ items cooked in dry oven are low fat. This comparison is not to say: â€Å"avoid burger and fries, and eat only idli vada,† but to reque st to use moderation and caution. † (Balasubramanian, 2008) In another report from the University of Austin Texas entitled: â€Å"Research Examines the Incorporation of Fast Food Culture† it is related that although McDonald’s the work of Dr. John Traphagan and Dr. L.Keith Brown which is published in the Journal of Ethnology (2002) which relates that fast food is among many and â€Å"†¦often is disparaged as imposing American culture upon unsuspecting global consumers, a new study shows that in Japan fast food restaurants may have positive cultural effects. † (2002) This study â€Å"†¦highlights examples of how McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken and other Westernized fast food restaurants provide an opportunity for Japanese families to interact with a sense of intimacy and conviviality that is not seen in more traditional Japanese fast food establishments. † (Traphagan, 2002) T Traphagan states in the findings of the study: â€Å"We becam e interested in fast food in Japan as a result of casual observations of people in restaurants.It seemed to us that the patterns of eating and interaction were different from what is often reported in the media and in various scholarship in relation to the role of McDonald's and other fast food venues in modern societies. We also were interested, in this age of globalization, in how the products of multinational corporations such as McDonald's fit into other, non-American cultures,† he said. â€Å"We were interested in how such global, or American, products are perceived in other cultures, how those products are consumed and used in other cultures, how they are adjusted or changed to fit with the local culture and what effect such things have on other cultures. † (2002)Through observation of the behavior of those eating in fast food restaurants the researchers were able to note differential eating patterns between Japanese and American consumers including findings of th e sharing of food among co-workers, friends, and members of family. Traphagan states: â€Å"It is very common for Japanese to have plates of common food in the center of the table, from which they take small portions. Intimacy is sometimes evident by the manner in which people use their chopsticks. If they turn the chopsticks around and take the food from the common plate with the back ends of the chopsticks, this indicates a degree of social distance. One would not do this with family members.The tendency of having common food in the center of the table holds in restaurants like McDonald's, where people usually dump all of the french fries onto a common tray in the center of the table and then draw from them as desired. † (2002) Fast food was also found in the study conducted by Traphagan to be differentiated in Japan from fast food in the United States in that Japanese fast food â€Å"†¦involves a range of options wider than the burgers and fries or fried chicken that typifies the American example, ramen, yakitori and sushi can all be fast food. In some ways, many aspects of Japanese cuisine are fast food in that they can be prepared, kept and eaten quickly — although by no means do Japanese always eat quickly. (2002) It is important to note the findings stated by Traphagan that the Japanese â€Å"†¦view foods like hamburgers and fries as snacks, rather than as a full meal. The lack of rice puts these foods into a somewhat different category from that typical in the U. S. † (Traphagan, 2002) Traphagan states findings that certain customs of the Japanese were â€Å"†¦sustained in fast food restaurants. One is that a woman in the group — the wife, mother or girlfriend — will go to the counter to place the order and pay, while the rest of the family is seated. In a society where family dinners are rare, the researchers found this time was used by the father to interact with his children, making a trip to McDon ald's an important family outing. † (Traphagan, 2000)The work of Douglas Kellner entitled: â€Å"Theorizing/Resisting McDonaldization: A Multiperspectivist Approach† (nd) states that no doubt exists that â€Å"McDonaldization is spreading as an international phenomenon. † This work states that in 1996 the Economists made note of the fact that McDonalds reported the intention to open approximately 32,000 new restaurants and that two-thirds of these would be located outside of the United States. It is stated that the analysis conducted by Ritzer while acknowledged McDonalds in terms of its ‘product, architecture, and atmosphere to local conditions†¦Ã¢â‚¬  fails to analyze the â€Å"meanings, social functions, and experiences†¦Ã¢â‚¬  that are experienced by customers as McDonald’s â€Å"generates a variety of local conditions. † (nd) It is noted that McDonald’s, just as any global artifact â€Å".. as very different meanings and functions in different regions and parts of the world, and a concrete analysis should interrogate local conditions in which consumers provide their own narratives of their site-specific and particular experiences to capture the variety and diversity of meanings of the McDonald’s effect. † (nd) Kellner states that he would argue for what I call a multiperspectivist social theory (Best and Kellner 1991 and 1997; Kellner 1995) to engage the phenomenon of McDonaldization and to provide a more contextual and multidimensional paradigm for analyzing the multiplicity of economic, socio-political, and cultural aspects of McDonaldization.This requires mobilizing the resources of both modern and postmodern theory, using both Marx and Weber, and Baudrillard and postmodern theory, as well as the resources of cultural studies and a critical multiculturalism, to theorize the full-range of the phenomenon of the global hybridization of McDonaldization, its cultural and ideological c onstruction, and its complex effects. McDonaldization is a many-sided phenomenon and the more perspectives that one can bring to its analysis and critique, the better grasp of the phenomenon one will have and the better one will be able to develop alternative readings and generate oppositional practices. † (nd)The work of Jack Marr and Alcinda Hatfield entitled: â€Å"Fast-Food Restaurants: Just What Eastern China’s Consumers Ordered† states that the growth of fast food restaurants in the country of China has â€Å"mushroomed† in both ‘number and diversity’. Specifically stated is that â€Å"as recently as 1993, Chinese consumers had few fast-food choices. Restaurant food was limited to five-star hotels, traditional Chinese restaurants and street-side wonton, pulled noodle and tea-egg vendors. † (2004) The favorite fast food in the country of China is Kentucky Fried Chicken who has combined a popular mid-priced menu, featuring fried chi cken, some of which is adapted to local tastes. Its modern atmosphere and marketing target Chinese children. (Marr and Hatfield, 2004) The primary competitor of Kentucky Fried Chicken in China is McDonalds with â€Å"sixteen of its current 120 restaurants in China are located in Shanghai. † (Marr and Hatfield, 2004) The work of Shiva Dindyal and Sanjay Dindyal entitled: â€Å"How Personal Factors, Including Culture and Ethnicity, Affect the Choices and Selection of Food We Make† published in the Internet Journal of Third World Medicine relates that the major cities in the world â€Å"are made up of diverse societies, consisting of a wide range of individuals from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Ethnicity refers to a social group, which shares certain distinctive features, such as language, culture physical appearance, religion, values and customs.Culture on the other hand refers to how we do and view things in our group. For example a shared set of values, assumptions, perceptions and conventions based on a shared history and language can make a certain group. In order for a society to function efficiently and smoothly these individuals must learn to integrate and coexist together. This will involve among other things, accepting and sampling different types of foods and even adjusting their diets. † (Dindyal and Dindyal, 2008) Dindyal and Dindyal relate that consumption of specific foods may be encouraged or discouraged among groups as well as the consumption of specific foods during certain life stages and under certain conditions.Religion is also stated to play a great role in food choice, selection and consumption in certain societies and cultures. Another personal factor affecting food choice and selection is â€Å"patterns of eating, which include for whom the food is being made. † (2008) Stated as an example is that in traditional eastern cultures â€Å"food tend to be prepared for a large number of people at regul ar times of the day. The opposite is true in western cultures, where food prepared less frequently during the day and often the same mea is eaten more than once during the day. † (Dindyal and Dindyal, 2008) Another personal factor affecting choice of foods is the individuals’ occupation which is a factor stated to â€Å"†¦directly influence the people’s social class. (Dindyal and Dindyal, 2008) Another factor is the â€Å"mood and individual personality† of the individual† as well as â€Å"geographical factors such as where people live and the range of shops situated near them†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Dindyal and Dindyal, 2008) A recent survey conducted among 975 girls and 13 boys relating to fast food reports that when asked â€Å"Do you enjoy eating fast food? † respondents replied as shown in the following chart. Figure 1 Do you enjoy eating fast food? [pic] Source: (Report on would you Like Fries with that? – Latest Survey Results, nd) When asked â€Å"How often to you eat fast food? † respondents in this survey revealed that they eat fast food between one and three times each week while the second largest group replied that they eat fast food between two and three times each month as shown in the following chart. Figure 2How often do you eat fast food? [pic] Source: (Report on would you Like Fries with that? – Latest Survey Results, nd) When respondents were asked the question of: â€Å"If you don’t eat fast food, why? † respondents were asked to reply by stating: (1) I don’t like it; (2) My family never goes out to eat; (3) There are no fast food restaurants near my house; (4) It is unhealthy; (5) I eat fast food so this question does not apply to me; (6) I am a vegetarian/vegan; (7) It costs too much; or (8) other, the respondents stated as shown in the following chart. Figure 3 If you don’t eat fast food, why? |whynoeat | |dntlike |41 |5. 05 | famnoeat |51 |6. 28 | |n offrest |13 |1. 6 | |unhealth |126 |15. 52 | |eatff |550 |67. 73 | |Vegetarian |17 |2. 09 | |toomuch$ |6 |0. 74 | |other |8 |0. 99 | Source: (Report on would you Like Fries with that? – Latest Survey Results, nd) When respondents in the survey were polled in relation to what their favorite type of fast food was choices provided included burgers, pizza, Chinese food, chicken, tacos, salad, soup, breakfast, hotdogs, chicken, fish and chips, nachos, french fries, subway, pasta, sweets, and none.The respondents stated preferences for fast food type as shown in the following chart. Figure 4 What is your favorite type of fast food? [pic] Source: (Report on would you Like Fries with that? – Latest Survey Results, nd) When respondents were asked if they had a favorite fast food restaurant among the choices of McDonald’s, Burger King, Taco Bell, Wendy’s, KFC, Jack in the Box, Arby’s, Jollibee, Subway, Pizza Hut, In and Out, Panda express, Long John Silvers, Tim Hortons, Dairy Queen, Checkers, or some random fast food place the replies stated were those as follows with McDonalds in the lead: Figure 5 Do you have a favorite restaurant? [pic]Source: (Report on would you Like Fries with that? – Latest Survey Results, nd) When respondents in the survey were polled as to whom they usually went to fast food restaurants with the choices stated as parents/family, brother/sisters, friend, by myself, coach/team, grndrent, don’t eat, boyfriend/girlfriend, coworkers, or other, the replies given by respondents are shown in the following table. Figure 6 Who do you usually go to fast food with? Count Percent |whoeat | | | | parents/fam |526 |54. 73 | |brosis |63 |6. 56 | |friends |272 |28. 3 | bymylf |14 |1. 46 | |coach/team |1 |0. 1 | |grndrent |20 |2. 08 | |donteat |48 |4. 99 | |bf/gf |7 |0. 73 | |coworkers |5 |0. 52 | |other |5 |0. 52 | Source: (Report on would you Like Fries with that? – Latest Survey Results, nd) When respon dents were asked â€Å"What do you enjoy most about fast food? † respondents stated the tastes as being the number one enjoyment with the second and third most stated reply being the ‘fast’ and ‘cheap’ nature of the fast food as what is most enjoyed about fast food.All results are shown in the following chart. Figure 7 What do you enjoy most about fast food? [pic] Source: (Report on would you Like Fries with that? – Latest Survey Results, nd) When respondents were polled concerning what they liked the ‘least’ about fast food, respondents replied as shown in the following chart. Figure 8 What do you like the least about fast food? [pic] Source: (Report on would you Like Fries with that? – Latest Survey Results, nd) When respondents were polled as to their perceptions of fast food in terms of health the respondents gave the following replied stated in percentages concerning their view of fast food was that is it ‘unheal thy’.Only 104 disagreed with this statement and only 12 strongly disagreed. The overwhelming majority of respondents stated an agreement that fast food is not healthy. Figure 9 Fast Food is Unhealthy [pic] Source: (Report on would you Like Fries with that? – Latest Survey Results, nd) When respondents were asked â€Å"If you eat at a fast food restaurant, what is your main reason? † respondents stated reasons as shown in the following chart with liking the tastes of fast food and because their parents eat fast food as primary reasons for eating at fast food restaurants. Figure 10 If you eat at a fast food restaurant, what is your main reason? [pic] Source: (Report on would you Like Fries with that? Latest Survey Results, nd) Finally, this study asked respondents in this study the question of whether: ‘If you were forced to choose between cooking at home or eating fast food for the rest of your life, which would you choose? † Respondents overwhelmingl y stated that they would choose to cook the rest of their life if forced to make a choice at the rate of approximately 82%. The study of Marsh, Fanning and Stiegert (2003) entitled: â€Å"Socioeconomic Determinants of Fast Food Consumption† states that: â€Å"Fast food consumption has increased dramatically over the past three decades in U. S. , accounting for nearly 35. 5% of total away-from-home expenditures in 1999. It is interesting to note the findings of this study which states: â€Å"Lin, Lucier, Allhouse, and Kantor examined the influence of fast food growth on frozen potato consumption. They report that on any given day that 13% of consumers eat french fries with fast food establishments accounting for 67% of the french fry market. They also report that french fry consumption varies by age, region, urbanization, race, and ethnicity, but independent of income. † (Marsh, Fanning and Steigert, 2003) Also stated in the findings of this study is: â€Å"Important regional and socio-demographic factors emerged. Consumers in the South and Midwest were most likely to consume fast food.In terms of gender, males were more likely to consume fast food than were females. Individuals were more likely to consume fast food until they reached 20-30 years of age at which point the likelihood that they consume fast food decreases throughout their life. Larger households (especially those with more than four persons) were less likely to consume fast food. Although the impact of income on the likelihood of consuming fast food was statistically significant, it was very inelastic. The likelihood of consuming fast food was much more sensitive to age relative to household size and least sensitive to income. † (Marsh, Fanning and Steigert, 2003) SUMMARY OF THE LITERATURE REVIEWEDThe findings of the present study acknowledge first that fast food consumption is global in nature stretching from India, to China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, to the United Stat es, fast food and fast food restaurants are relevant to a great majority of the world’s consumers. This study has found that fast food restaurants located near schools, colleges, and universities, are frequented regularly by students and that places such as McDonald’s represent more than food consumption because these places are also places of socialization for college students and other young people where these individuals study and ‘hang-out’ with their peers. The largest majority of individuals who eat fast food have been found in this study to e completely aware that fast food is unhealthy however, this study has found that fast food is not considered by most individuals to be ‘real food’ and that fast food such as McDonalds is acknowledge as less nutritional, less healthy and less filling than what is considered to constitute ‘real food’ cooked at home. FINDINGS OF THE STUDY This study has posed the questions of: (1)What diff erent views are held among different cultures in countries throughout the world relating to consumption of fast food? ; (2) What are the health perspective differentials existing among individuals in various countries throughout the world related to fast food consumption? (3) What are the primary factors that affect the consumption of fast food by college-age students from various countries of the world? ; (4) Is consumption of fast food an addition to- or an extension of- cultural issues surrounding food consumption? ; and (5) What non-food related factors affect consumer choice of fast food establishments internationally and locally? This study has found that consumption of fast food is viewed pretty much the same across cultures, race, and ethnicity in various countries as most individuals acknowledge fast food to be generally snack type food and not really to be considered a meal such as ‘real food’ cooked at home.Fast food, when contrasted to real cooked food would be cast aside if individuals had to make a life-choice of the type of food they preferred to consume. This study has also found that the largest majority of those who eat fast food acknowledge that fast food is unhealthy to consume on a regular basis. The primary factors influencing college-age students in their consumption of fast food are factors of socialization and availability of fast food restaurants near schools, universities and campuses. Fast food consumption has been found by this study to be both in addition to as well as an extension of cultural issues and customs surrounding food consumption.Finally, this study has found that non-food related factors affecting consumer choice of fast food establishments on a local and international basis include factors such as: (1) individual choice; (2) religious; (3) group preferences; (4) health-related factors; (5) location and availability of restaurant choices; (6) costs; (7) socialization; (8) time available for eating; (9) wit h whom they are eating the food; (10) whether the individual is a student in a college or university within the proximity of a fast food restaurant. CONCLUSIONS Having reviewed an extensive amount of literature in the subject area of factors affecting consumers in the consumption of fast food this study concludes that the factors that affect fast food consumption among consumers are great in number in all countries in which fast food in consumed. Non-food related factors are just as great in the influence of fast food consumption as are food-related matters such as taste and nutritional value of the food being consumed.However, traditional restaurant dining is greatly preferred among older consumers and among more discerning younger consumers although this does not greatly impact younger consumers in terms of reducing their consumption of fast food or increasing their consumption of more traditional restaurant dining food items. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH Future research wi ll likely undertake studies of a longitudinal nature relating to factors affecting food consumption differences among different nationalities and ethnicities and as well will focus specifically on tracking the consumer patterns of individuals that follow those individuals over many years and life health-related transitions in gaining a complete understanding of the primary health-related factors that affect fast food consumption patterns among individuals of different nationalities and ethnicities.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Fair trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Fair trade - Essay Example This implies that national sovereigns can be more hesitant to handle occurrences of non-conformity with internationally agreed rules and regulations by private companies. Countries and governments have the obligation to establish paradigms for co-existence, including the deference of principles such as the protection of worker’s rights in the global labour market (Hayes 2006). Globalization of production is generating a broadening irregularity in the international marketplace; there is an unparalleled level of technology transfer as well as capital mobility across national borders. Alternatively, labour mobility is under numerous constraints, from requirements for visa to work-related authorization. The sovereignty for monetary flows in financial markets does not qualify the labour market. As capital markets are being internationalized, labour markets, on the other hand, are becoming sterile and turning out to be ever more dysfunctional. Unregulated monetary flows can create distresses and insecurity, such as East Asian currency crisis 1997 and the Mexican Peso crisis of 1994. Nonetheless, there is one more, less acknowledged instability in the form of increasing exploitation, inequity and prejudiced employment practices in international labour markets. Some have proposed a ‘race to the bottom’ in which high capital mobility looks for cheap labour in administrations and eagerly evades social norms and labour codes. This pattern can merely be stopped and countered through a universal recognition of and conformity to central labour standards, guaranteeing that every market, comprising labour markets, operate efficiently and even-handedly. A trade structure founded on capital-labour irregularity puts off equitability in employment as well as in income prospects among the ‘stakeholders in the Global Family.’ (Bauder 2006). It creates instability, and most importantly, inequality. The core

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Whistle Blowing.Internal And External Whistle Blowing Essay

Whistle Blowing.Internal And External Whistle Blowing - Essay Example (Miceli and Near). Thus the process of whistle blowing has both the short term as well as long term implications for almost all the stakeholders in the organization therefore if the process is taken positively and corrective measures are taken properly, it may increase the trust of society in modern day organizations. However, despite its potential benefits, whistle blowing is not an easy task as whistle blowers may face tough consequences as well as rebuttal not only from their colleagues but from their organizations also. Managers often perceive that whistle blowing is good as long as it remains within the internal channels of the organization. The moment it goes public, it becomes something which has a very negative consequence for the managers. As such the factors involved behind the whistle blowing is not only complex but the action of whistle blowing itself require a lot of courage to defy the corporate loyalty. This paper will discuss the issue of whistle blowing by discussing its different complexities as well as discussing some of the ethical considerations. Whistle blowing Whistle blowing is defined as " the disclosure by organization members (former or current) of illegal, immoral, or illegitimate practices under the control of their employers, to persons, or organizations that may be able to affect action" (Miceli and Near) Whistle blowing is considered as an act of exposing the organizational wrong doings to the general public as well as their superiors. Whistle blowers are often considered as those unsung heroes who serve the "society's last line of defense against organizational misconduct" (Miceli and Near) however, on the other hand, whistle blowers are often considered as organizational traitors who expose the organizations for their own benefits. Whatever the interpretation may be given to whistle blowing, it is an established fact that it requires lot of courage and defiance on the part of whistle blowers to come forward and expose their own organizations for the wrong doing they are committing. There is a very thin line which distinguishes the corporate loyalty from whistle blowing as whistle blowers often find themselves at cross roads of when to leave behind the corporate loyalty in order to expose the wrong doings. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between the internal as well as external whistle blowing as employees may find it difficult to decide and interpret the situations which may prompt them to whistle blowing. (Lewis). As long as there are independent internal reporting mechanisms present within the organization, employees may stick to grievances only rather than whistle blowing. This is basically done in order to avoid the negative impact on their employment relations with their employers. However, when internal mechanisms fail to correct the grievances, employees may undertake to go public to disclose what may be perceived as the organizational wrong doing. It is important to note that employee's own values and self regulated moral ethics may play a critical role in deciding the timing of the whistle blowing. The available research indicates two sets of values which may force employees to go against the corporate loyalty. One set of values is based on the perception that whistle blowers are heroes who attempt to rectify the organizational wrong doings and as such consider it as their duty, often out of corporate loyalty, to consider taking steps to correct such a situation. The second set of values identifies whistleblowers as idealists who due to their inability to cope with the gap between their expectations and organizational realities. The values and expectations of

Analysis of Starbucks in 2012 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analysis of Starbucks in 2012 - Essay Example Starbucks has always been determined in establishing a large network of its stores both in America and all around the world. The cooperation leads in selling coffee as a result of selling its products at a premium rate in order maximize their profits. There are several questions about Starbucks that may need answers. Will the glamor of sensualist Starbucks coffee be retained or will more engaging options shake the success of Starbuck’s main coffee products? Will advertisement help Starbucks maintain its position as a world leader coffee chain producer? The most appropriate point to begin from is evaluating the current coffee market; undertaking an analysis to determine the level over which consumers need the designer coffee is important. Starbucks faces stiff competition from its major competitor such as McDonalds, Dunkin Donuts and Caribou coffee. The management has been engaged to ensure that the company maintains its well-known reputation as major coffee chain cooperation. Recently, Starbucks’ competitor McDonald launched its campaign on Mccafe in which its aim is to sell coffee at a relatively low discount as compared to Starbucks. McDonalds enjoys the advantage of an excellent podium from which it can face its competitors as a result of establishing numerous stores that gives it easy access into the markets. Dunkin Donuts as well is not relaxed; Dunkin is seen to use its doughnuts and other menu items on the stage. The customer has the option of choosing between a coffee donut and a mug of coffee. Externally, Starbucks also deals with daily competitive challenges. For instance, in Singapore, The Coffee Bean and Tea leaf is always on the forefront to contain the giant coffee chain store. For Starbucks, manageable development results to embracing business plans and operations to meet the requirements of Starbucks’ stakeholders currently while sustaining, safeguarding and ensuring the availability of natural and human resources that may b e required in the future. Each and every coffee store in Asia eyes Starbucks. The coffee chain has established 1,744 stores in the Asian Pacific with Singapore having a total of 92 stores. Recently, Starbucks announced the establishment of 100 new stores with each in Philippines and Malaysia. Starbucks never waits for its competitors is when to follow the suit. It has been seen to be expanding its markets outside America to increase its profitability. Starbucks recently purchased Teavana Holdings at a cost of $620 million in an effort to expand its markets. Starbucks is faced with some challenges in the event of serving its customers. One major challenge is the price of coffee beans as factor behind the company’s major profit. Starbucks’ profit and coffee price hugely rely on coffee price beans which are a product and stands not to be altered by Starbucks. As a result of hedge money, climatic conditions and other related factors, the cooperation is in a position of not able to approximate the price of its coffee and the cooperation’s profitability. Product pricing is another major setback. Starbucks’ product and services experience makes the company to charge high prices on its coffee. In contrast, McCafe premium coffee is selling at a lower price as compared to Starbucks’ premium coffee and was well assessed. After review, another challenge faced by Starbucks is negative publicity. The public has

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Managment Issues in the Global Family Business Essay

Managment Issues in the Global Family Business - Essay Example It has been said that most family businesses do not last more than two generations and that wealth barely lasts more than three generations (Lee 2008, p.8; Paisner 2007, p.7). Paisner (2007) notes that less than thirty percent of family-owned businesses have sustained their activities for more than two generations before shifting management, and even fewer businesses have managed to maintain their activity to the third generation. This implies that thousands of family businesses wrestle with myriad issues. Successor development, management transition, ownership transfer, creativity, and future focus are some of the issues that becloud the success of family businesses. Italian Family Business presents some of the key characteristics that determine the success or failure of family ventures all over the world. Multi, the owner of the restaurant, has to grapple with management issues and fights tooth and nail to prevent Guido from taking away the family business, something that many othe r similar businesses are grappling with. A look at the major characteristics of entrepreneurial businesses illuminates some of the gaps that might have landed Multi and his family into trouble. There is an unspoken misconception that creativity is only reserved for musicians and writers. This belief is commonplace in most family businesses. In others, there is an underlying conception regarding the usual manner of conducting business. Both mindsets can stifle business creativity, which is an antecedent to innovation, making it hard for family businesses to survive beyond two generations.

Friday, July 26, 2019

High school Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

High school - Research Paper Example There are various phases in a person’s development and growth which are more memorable than others. For some, high school life is the most endearing due to the new relationships and experiences that occur at the opportune time. As adolescents explore the world and develop strong bonds with friends and teachers, it is recognized that level and depth of relationships differ according to formal or informal structures (Chapter 4: School and Classroom Environment). With regard to student-teacher relationships, some students have formal relationships with teachers, and some of them have informal relationships with teachers. Formal relationships between students and teachers exist when communication patterns and lines of authority are clearly established and enforced. As defined, formal structures observe â€Å"sets of rules and regulations that define the relationships between people and tasks, and determine the distribution of power† (Capra 104). In formal relationships, there are evident boundaries and communication is made on a professional manner. The manner of speaking, words chosen, topics of conversation are formally structured and focus mainly on academic performance and progress of the student. Likewise, even the way professors dress or be addressed by title affects the way students apparently perceive relationships as strictly formal (Sebastian and Bristow).

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Narrative criticism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Narrative criticism - Essay Example es of narrative criticism have emerged; some people have claimed that narrative criticism is a fundamental tool in communication processes owing to the fact that it facilitates the understanding of texts and how they reflect on human life structures, thus creating a platform for information sharing and exchange (Pullman, 7). As a method of literary analysis, this approach has been a subject of negative and positive criticism. To begin with, some scholars have claimed that the application narrative criticism is majorly based on a dimension of literary analysis that allows readers to assess literary works in a holistic manner, by noting different characteristics and styles that are similar to other literary works, taking into consideration, the beginning, middle as well as the end (Powell, 3). On the other hand, some narrative critics have asserted that it is basically a method that does not focus on a holistic analysis of literary works, but rather focus on specific elements of literary works, which seem relevant to the story line or the main theme. Moreover, this group of critics has claimed the narrative criticism is a basic tool for literary analysis that engages its readers through understanding how the literary works relate with real life experiences (Byron, 13). This is usually achieved through various points of view passed by the narrators and relating them to the real life experiences of its readers. According to Allan Powell (1990), Narrative criticism can be considered a function of events. This is because in its application, a high sense of priority is given to the text from the ideas of ‘implied readers’ and ‘implied author’: The essence of implied author as well as implied reader are usually determined by signatures emerging from the text. Powell also asserts that narrative criticism is a function of events, basically due to the fact that it involves taking into consideration characters and settings of a literary analysis that forms its

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Experiencing Work Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Experiencing Work - Research Paper Example Dedication to his career is one of his most admirable characteristics. He does not mind spending long hours in school. He values each minute spent tutoring students who are having a hard time understanding their lessons. He does not only teach them math, he is also considered by most students as their best friend. Most students come to him to ask for advice with regards to their other subjects or even about their personal problems. When asked why he chose the teaching profession, when it is a job which is not financially rewarding, he smiles and answers, â€Å"Money is not the most important thing in this world. What is more rewarding is being able to help other people.† He adds, â€Å"My reward is not in this world. Mine is in heaven.† He said that he was once offered by a large company to be part of its training department. It offered a very lucrative salary with several fringe benefits to go with it. He refused the job because he knew that he will not be happy working for that firm. He said that he will not find fulfillment in a job with a high salary if he does not enjoy doing it. While other employees hate waking up each morning because they will be doing the same boring job again, he always thanks God for another day where he can share his talents and skills with other people. He said that he is one of the lucky persons who have found his true vocation. It has brought meaning to his life. At night, when he feels so tired from a days’ work, he just thinks of the number of children whom he has taught that day and all the tired muscles seem to go away. The satisfaction that he gets from teaching is more than enough to relax him at night. He also said that another reason why he enjoys his profession is that he always feels young and energetic being with young people every day. His pupils serve as his inspiration

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

To what extent are a company's annual report and accounts useful in Essay

To what extent are a company's annual report and accounts useful in understanding and analysing its market, productive and fin - Essay Example This paper discusses the usefulness of annual reports in understanding a company’s market, production and financial performances. Management perspective A company needs to strive to remain in competition within the framework of several internal and external factors like political, economical and social structures. The owners delegate most of their responsibilities to the senior management thus elevating the power of the management to decide a company’s objectives and to design policies for the purpose of realisation of those objectives. It is only with the guidance obtained by studying annual reports and accounts, the management can make operational and strategic reconfigurations of resources for the purpose of consolidating the position of the company in the competitive market. The independent controlling power of the management separate from the owner ensures that the sole objective of profit optimization cannot be realised since the company’s policies and beha viours are also controlled by various other factors. Technically, profit can be maximized if the organisation can detect â€Å"marginal cost, marginal revenues and production output up to a point where marginal cost of the last unit produced just equates to the marginal revenue received from its sale.† (Haslam, et al, 2000, p.4) In fact, a set of rules and regulations of accounting helps the management to identify the production cost and sale price of each unit to determine the company’s performance in the fields of production and sales. The annual reports reflect the performance patterns of a company from one period to the other (Haslam, et al, 2000, pp.4-5). Users of accounts Annual reports and accounts can be defined as means of â€Å"communication of information about the financial position and performance of an entity to interested parties.† (Laidler & Donaghy, 1998, p.1) In any company, every year balance sheet and profit and loss account are published in a document form along with other financial statements, together known as annual reports and accounts. These accounts are useful for both internal personnel like directors and managers, and also external people like investors, creditors, customers etc. Investors are those people who invest their money by purchasing shares of a company thereby taking risks in the hope of getting dividends in due time. For this purpose they need to know the management efficiency of the company in order to determine whether their investments will be profitable. Employees and trade unions study the annual reports to become aware of the financial stability of their company to decide whether they will be continued to be employed at appropriate levels of remuneration. The annual reports are also important for the lenders like banks and individuals who lend money to a company. They need to be aware whether the company will be able to repay their money together with their interest in due time. Similarly, for creditors and suppliers, the annual reports give them the information whether they will be getting their payment at the right time. Then there are customers like other organisations who purchase goods from the company; they need to know the financial stability of the company to remain satisfied that goods and services will be

The Kite Runner - Deep Thoughts Essay Example for Free

The Kite Runner Deep Thoughts Essay Guilt is an emotional experience when a person believes or realizes that they have done an unethical action. Many people regard guilt as an unnecessary, even harmful, emotion. Contrary to popular opinion, guilt can be a good emotion. Without guilt, individuals might lack the motivation to act morally. Guilt plays a major role in The Kite Runner, Amir attempts to redeem himself by his feelings of guilt. One of the positive attributes of guilt is that guilt teaches us not to make the same mistake twice. Making mistakes is part of being human, but it is the guilt we feel which prevents us from repeating our mistakes. If a student plagiarizes, then they would feel guilty. Guilt tells the student that this behavior is wrong because we have broken the trust of the teacher. Regardless of whether or not the student gets caught, the guilt prevents him or her from plagiarizing again. In The Kite Runner, Amir often treats Hassan as if he was only a servant rather than a friend. Despite this mistreatment, Hassan remains loyal to Amir and his family throughout the novel. Eventually, this combination makes Amir feel awfully guilty. Amir does not want to repeat his mistake with how he treats Hassan’s son, Sohrab. He said to Soharb,â€Å"Assef hurt your father in a really bad way, and I couldn’t save your father the way your father saved me†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. I won’t hurt you, I promise (pg. 344).† Amir has implies to Sohrab that he had done an action sinful to Hassan. Guilt has changed the characteristics of Amir from a selfish person to a more caring human being. Another honorable characteristic of guilt is that it motivates us human beings to complete a task. Guilt is a motivator because we are motivated to act in order to make ourselves feel better about our transgression. If a student does not complete their homework, they would feel guilty because it is our duty and obligation to complete what we are intended to accomplish. With a low guilt score, we would not be driven to do anything because nothing is actually necessary or our responsiblity to be done. Amir, in The Kite Runner, is motivated by guilt to save Sohrab, who is an orphan in the war-zone Kabul. Without the motivation of guilt, Amir would not act on the rescue because it is not his duty plus it is possible for others to complete the burden for him. â€Å"There is a way to be good again. A way to end the cycle. With a boy. An orphan. Hassan’s son. Somewhere in Kabul.(pg. 245)† Clearly, Amir feels guilt of the action he has done to Hassan. Because of the guilt, Amir would want to redeem himself after doing a sinful deed. Rescuing Sohrab was â€Å"the way to be good again.† Although the feeling of guilt is a virtuous nature, too much of guilt would be paralyzing to an individual. Just like every other emotion, too much reaction leads to a psychological malady. Too much of guilt creates distorted thinking, the inability to perform tasks and other physical diseases. General Taheri, from The Kite Runner, meets this description perfectly. General Taheri was a high-ranked general back in Afghanistan. After the Soviet War of Afghanistan started, he fled from home to America. This action has build up the guilt within him because he had turned down on his country when the country needed him the most. â€Å"The general believes that Afghanistan would be freed. So every day, he donned his gray suit, wound his pocket watch, and waited (pg.191)† The believed excess guilt causes the general to escape reality. General Taheri goes to the flee market every day just so it seems like home, he does not have a job so he only receives welfare from the government, and he has headaches monthly and locks himself in his room. These all mostly symptoms of excess guilt. Guilt is rather a good characteristic than a harmful one, even though, there is a limit to positive guilt. The novel, The Kite Runner, has demonstrated to us various ways on how guilt could be a righteous nature. â€Å"A way to be good again†, the most well known quote from the novel is create by the guilt that has brought to all of us. The novel lacks its significance without the essence of guilt. Reference: Hosseini, Khaled. Chapter 13. The Kite Runner. Riverhead Mass-market International Edition ed. New York: Riverhead, 2007. 191. Print. Hosseini, Khaled. Chapter 18. The Kite Runner. Riverhead Mass-market International Edition ed. New York: Riverhead, 2007. 245. Print. Hosseini, Khaled. Chapter 24. The Kite Runner. Riverhead Mass-market International Edition ed. New York: Riverhead, 2007. 344. Print.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Grammatical aspect Essay Example for Free

Grammatical aspect Essay Use the Simple Past to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past. Sometimes, the speaker may not actually mention the specific time, but they do have one specific time in mind. Examples: †¢ I saw a movie yesterday. †¢ I didnt see a play yesterday. †¢ Last year, I traveled to Japan. †¢ Last year, I didnt travel to Korea. †¢ Did you have dinner last night? †¢ She washed her car. †¢ He didnt wash his car. USE 2 A Series of Completed Actions [pic] We use the Simple Past to list a series of completed actions in the past. These actions happen 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and so on. Examples: †¢ I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim. †¢ He arrived from the airport at 8:00, checked into the hotel at 9:00, and met the others at 10:00. †¢ Did you add flour, pour in the milk, and then add the eggs? USE 3 Duration in Past [pic] The Simple Past can be used with a duration which starts and stops in the past. A duration is a longer action often indicated by expressions such as: for two years, for five minutes, all day, all year, etc. Examples: †¢ I lived in Brazil for two years. †¢ Shauna studied Japanese for five years. †¢ They sat at the beach all day. †¢ They did not stay at the party the entire time. †¢ We talked on the phone for thirty minutes. †¢ A: How long did you wait for them? B: We waited for one hour. USE 4 Habits in the Past [pic] The Simple Past can also be used to describe a habit which stopped in the past. It can have the same meaning as used to. To make it clear that we are talking about a habit, we often add expressions such as: always, often, usually, never, when I was a child, when I was younger, etc. Examples: †¢ I studied French when I was a child. †¢ He played the violin. †¢ He didnt play the piano. †¢ Did you play a musical instrument when you were a kid? †¢ She worked at the movie theater after school. †¢ They never went to school, they always skipped class. USE 5 Past Facts or Generalizations [pic] The Simple Past can also be used to describe past facts or generalizations which are no longer true. As in USE 4 above, this use of the Simple Past is quite similar to the expression used to. Examples: †¢ She was shy as a child, but now she is very outgoing. †¢ He didnt like tomatoes before. †¢ Did you live in Texas when you were a kid? †¢ People paid much more to make cell phone calls in the past. IMPORTANT When-Clauses Happen First. Clauses are groups of words which have meaning but are often not complete sentences. Some clauses begin with the word when such as when I dropped my pen or when class began These clauses are called when-clauses, and they are very important. The examples below contain when-clauses. Examples: †¢ When I paid her one dollar, she answered my question. †¢ She answered my question when I paid her one dollar. When-clauses are important because they always happen first when both clauses are in the Simple Past. Both of the examples above mean the same thing: first, I paid her one dollar, and then, she answered my question. It is not important whether when I paid her one dollar is at the beginning of the sentence or at the end of the sentence. However, the example below has a different meaning. First, she answered my question, and then, I paid her one dollar. Example: †¢ I paid her one dollar when she answered my question. ADVERB PLACEMENT The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never, ever, still, just, etc. Examples: †¢ You just called Debbie. †¢ Did you just call Debbie? Past Continuous FORM [was/were + present participle] Examples: †¢ You were studying when she called. †¢ Were you studying when she called? †¢ You were not studying when she called. Complete List of Past Continuous Forms USE 1 Interrupted Action in the Past [pic] Use the Past Continuous to indicate that a longer action in the past was interrupted. The interruption is usually a shorter action in the Simple Past. Remember this can be a real interruption or just an interruption in time. Examples: †¢ I was watching TV when she called. †¢ When the phone rang, she was writing a letter. †¢ While we were having the picnic, it started to rain. †¢ What were you doing when the earthquake started? †¢ I was listening to my iPod, so I didnt hear the fire alarm. †¢ You were not listening to me when I told you to turn the oven off. †¢ While John was sleeping last night, someone stole his car. †¢ Sammy was waiting for us when we got off the plane. †¢ While I was writing the email, the computer suddenly went off. †¢ A: What were you doing when you broke your leg? B: I was snowboarding. USE 2 Specific Time as an Interruption [pic] In USE 1, described above, the Past Continuous is interrupted by a shorter action in the Simple Past. However, you can also use a specific time as an interruption. Examples: †¢ Last night at 6 PM, I was eating dinner. †¢ At midnight, we were still driving through the desert. †¢ Yesterday at this time, I was sitting at my desk at work. IMPORTANT In the Simple Past, a specific time is used to show when an action began or finished. In the Past Continuous, a specific time only interrupts the action. Examples: †¢ Last night at 6 PM, I ate dinner. I started eating at 6 PM. †¢ Last night at 6 PM, I was eating dinner. I started earlier; and at 6 PM, I was in the process of eating dinner. USE 3 Parallel Actions [pic] When you use the Past Continuous with two actions in the same sentence, it expresses the idea that both actions were happening at the same time. The actions are parallel. Examples: †¢ I was studying while he was making dinner. †¢ While Ellen was reading, Tim was watching television. †¢ Were you listening while he was talking? †¢ I wasnt paying attention while I was writing the letter, so I made several mistakes. †¢ What were you doing while you were waiting? †¢ Thomas wasnt working, and I wasnt working either. †¢ They were eating dinner, discussing their plans, and having a good time. USE 4 Atmosphere In English, we often use a series of parallel actions to describe the atmosphere at a particular time in the past. Example: †¢ When I walked into the office, several people were busily typing, some were talking on the phones, the boss was yelling directions, and customers were waiting to be helped. One customer was yelling at a secretary and waving his hands. Others were complaining to each other about the bad service. USE 5 Repetition and Irritation with Always [pic] The Past Continuous with words such as always or constantly expresses the idea that something irritating or shocking often happened in the past. The concept is very similar to the expression used to but with negative emotion. Remember to put the words always or constantly between be and verb+ing. Examples: †¢ She was always coming to class late. †¢ He was constantly talking. He annoyed everyone. †¢ I didnt like them because they were always complaining. While vs. When Clauses are groups of words which have meaning, but are often not complete sentences. Some clauses begin with the word when such as when she called or when it bit me. Other clauses begin with while such as while she was sleeping and while he was surfing. When you talk about things in the past, when is most often followed by the verb tense Simple Past, whereas while is usually followed by Past Continuous. While expresses the idea of during that time. Study the examples below. They have similar meanings, but they emphasize different parts of the sentence. Examples: †¢ I was studying when she called. †¢ While I was studying, she called. REMEMBER Non-Continuous Verbs / Mixed Verbs It is important to remember that Non-Continuous Verbs cannot be used in any continuous tenses. Also, certain non-continuous meanings for Mixed Verbs cannot be used in continuous tenses. Instead of using Past Continuous with these verbs, you must use Simple Past. Examples: †¢ Jane was being at my house when you arrived. Not Correct †¢ Jane was at my house when you arrived. Correct ADVERB PLACEMENT The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never, ever, still, just, etc. Examples: †¢ You were just studying when she called. †¢ Were you just studying when she called? ACTIVE / PASSIVE Examples: †¢ The salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the store. Active †¢ The customer was being helped by the salesman when the thief came into the store. Passive Past Perfect FORM [had + past participle] Examples: †¢ You had studied English before you moved to New York. †¢ Had you studied English before you moved to New York? †¢ You had not studied English before you moved to New York. Complete List of Past Perfect Forms USE 1 Completed Action Before Something in the Past [pic] The Past Perfect expresses the idea that something occurred before another action in the past. It can also show that something happened before a specific time in the past. Examples: †¢ I had never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to Kauai. †¢ I did not have any money because I had lost my wallet. †¢ Tony knew Istanbul so well because he had visited the city several times. †¢ Had Susan ever studied Thai before she moved to Thailand? †¢ She only understood the movie because she had read the book. †¢ Kristine had never been to an opera before last night. †¢ We were not able to get a hotel room because we had not booked in advance. †¢ A: Had you ever visited the U. S. before your trip in 2006? B: Yes, I had been to the U. S. once before. USE 2 Duration Before Something in the Past (Non-Continuous Verbs) [pic] With Non-Continuous Verbs and some non-continuous uses of Mixed Verbs, we use the Past Perfect to show that something started in the past and continued up until another action in the past. Examples: †¢ We had had that car for ten years before it broke down. †¢ By the time Alex finished his studies, he had been in London for over eight years. †¢ They felt bad about selling the house because they had owned it for more than forty years. Although the above use of Past Perfect is normally limited to Non-Continuous Verbs and non-continuous uses of Mixed Verbs, the words live, work, teach, and study are sometimes used in this way even though they are NOT Non-Continuous Verbs. IMPORTANT Specific Times with the Past Perfect [pic]. Unlike with the Present Perfect, it is possible to use specific time words or phrases with the Past Perfect. Although this is possible, it is usually not necessary. Example: †¢ She had visited her Japanese relatives once in 1993 before she moved in with them in 1996. MOREOVER If the Past Perfect action did occur at a specific time, the Simple Past can be used instead of the Past Perfect when before or after is used in the sentence. The words before and after actually tell you what happens first, so the Past Perfect is optional. For this reason, both sentences below are correct. Examples: †¢ She had visited her Japanese relatives once in 1993 before she moved in with them in 1996. †¢ She visited her Japanese relatives once in 1993 before she moved in with them in 1996. HOWEVER [pic] If the Past Perfect is not referring to an action at a specific time, Past Perfect is not optional. Compare the examples below. Here Past Perfect is referring to a lack of experience rather than an action at a specific time. For this reason, Simple Past cannot be used. Examples: †¢ She never saw a bear before she moved to Alaska. Not Correct †¢ She had never seen a bear before she moved to Alaska. Correct ADVERB PLACEMENT The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never, ever, still, just, etc. Examples: †¢ You had previously studied English before you moved to New York. †¢ Had you previously studied English before you moved to New York? ACTIVE / PASSIVE Examples: †¢ George had repaired many cars before he received his mechanics license. Active †¢ Many cars had been repaired by George before he received his mechanics license. Passive Past Perfect Continuous FORM [had been + present participle] Examples: †¢ You had been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived. †¢ Had you been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived? †¢ You had not been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived. Complete List of Past Perfect Continuous Forms USE 1 Duration Before Something in the Past [pic] We use the Past Perfect Continuous to show that something started in the past and continued up until another time in the past. For five minutes and for two weeks are both durations which can be used with the Past Perfect Continuous. Notice that this is related to the Present Perfect Continuous; however, the duration does not continue until now, it stops before something else in the past. Examples: †¢ They had been talking for over an hour before Tony arrived. †¢ She had been working at that company for three years when it went out of business. †¢ How long had you been waiting to get on the bus? †¢ Mike wanted to sit down because he had been standing all day at work. †¢ James had been teaching at the university for more than a year before he left for Asia. †¢ A: How long had you been studying Turkish before you moved to Ankara? B: I had not been studying Turkish very long. USE 2 Cause of Something in the Past [pic] Using the Past Perfect Continuous before another action in the past is a good way to show cause and effect. Examples: †¢ Jason was tired because he had been jogging. †¢ Sam gained weight because he had been overeating. †¢ Betty failed the final test because she had not been attending class. Past Continuous vs. Past Perfect Continuous If you do not include a duration such as for five minutes, for two weeks or since Friday, many English speakers choose to use the Past Continuous rather than the Past Perfect Continuous. Be careful because this can change the meaning of the sentence. Past Continuous emphasizes interrupted actions, whereas Past Perfect Continuous emphasizes a duration of time before something in the past. Study the examples below to understand the difference. Examples: †¢ He was tired because he was exercising so hard. This sentence emphasizes that he was tired because he was exercising at that exact moment. †¢ He was tired because he had been exercising so hard. This sentence emphasizes that he was tired because he had been exercising over a period of time. It is possible that he was still exercising at that moment OR that he had just finished. REMEMBER Non-Continuous Verbs / Mixed Verbs It is important to remember that Non-Continuous Verbs cannot be used in any continuous tenses. Also, certain non-continuous meanings for Mixed Verbs cannot be used in continuous tenses. Instead of using Past Perfect Continuous with these verbs, you must use Past Perfect. Examples: †¢ The motorcycle had been belonging to George for years before Tina bought it. Not Correct †¢ The motorcycle had belonged to George for years before Tina bought it. Correct ADVERB PLACEMENT. The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never, ever, still, just, etc. Examples: †¢ You had only been waiting there for a few minutes when she arrived. †¢ Had you only been waiting there for a few minutes when she arrived? ACTIVE / PASSIVE Examples: †¢ Chef Jones had been preparing the restaurants fantastic dinners for two years before he moved to Paris. Active †¢ The restaurants fantastic dinners had been being prepared by Chef Jones for two years before he moved to Paris. Passive NOTE: Passive forms of the Past Perfect Continuous are not common.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Louis Vuitton Commercial Analysis

Louis Vuitton Commercial Analysis The Louis Vuitton commercial describes a wide range of visuals from India, China and France (Duncan 2008) that captures the real essence of travel and the journey through life while trying to simultaneously explore the true meaning of the word journey. The visuals are backed by textual messages aimed at answering What is a Journey? (Paris 2008) against a soulful musical score. The commercial in itself seeks to sell the Louis Vuitton brand across 13 nations rather than a particular collection (Duncan 2008). The fact that only the monogram is shown in the advertisement bears testimony to the same. With regard to the target audience, the commercial targets all young lovers of luxury and travel in particular and lovers of life in general. Most of the travelers in the video are young people although the local crowd is made up of people of all ages. The commercial sought to capture beautiful moments that travel with one beyond physical journey. The goal was to connect Louis Vuittons brand passion in assisting its clients to achieve true pleasure and luxury during journeys in particular and across life in general in accordance with brand values of luxury and travel. The advertisement is 90 seconds in direction to allow it to convey the true and rich essence of travel as a process of both discovery and self-discovery as per the head of communications at Louis Vuitton, Antoine Arnault (Brent 2008). Through a combination of visuals, musical score and subtitles, the video effectively communicates the same and reveals the brands passion for providing luxury to its customers as they journey through life. The Journey commercial by Louis Vuitton relies on the use of numerous visual techniques including slow motion, special effects, selective focus through telephoto lenses, blurring, silhouetting, lens flare and superimposition. The commercial is a visual marvel created by Bruno Aveillan (Duncan 2008). According to the Louis Vuitton press release the advertisement captures those quintessential travel moments where our senses and sense of awe are surpassed by the absolute beauty of a place, of a moment (Duncan 2008). The same is essentially true of most visuals in the commercial. The visuals endeavor to evoke a sense of awe and a sense of serenity in the viewer through depiction of the passion and art of travel (Duncan 2008) using a range of visual tools and techniques. One can see a whole range of close-ups to provide emphasis on the feelings of travelers when witnessing a moment that surpasses expectations and their love for travel. Most of the frames use shallow depth of field or focu s on a small area of frame to guide viewers attention to the specific object or person of interest (Brown 2012, 61). For instance, in an over the shoulder shot of a traveler dressed in white, the focus is entirely on him with the rest of the frame blurred out. In addition to a foreground, mid-ground and background, some frames rely on the use of glass as one of the planes, which, in turn, allows one to see reflections of objects that are not a part of the frame as a fourth layer. Most of the camera angles are at eye level with little psychological manipulation of the viewer on that front. Selective blurring seems to be enhanced in post production and special effects work. The insertion of certain reflections can seem to be the result of special effects. The camera is positioned in many frames to create lens flare which again curtails proper viewing of some visual content while serving as an aesthetic and pleasing visual technique. Lastly, slow motion towards the end of the commercia l is another classic technique used to enhance the beauty of a momemt (Brown 2012, 73). The commercial does not depict many visuals of Louis Vuitton products merely showing the famous logo and the classic LV design. Through the choice of visuals, the brand effectively takes the viewer back to its history establishing itself as a luxury travel brand (Lindstrom 2005, 125). The visuals span three nations namely, India, China and France enabling the advertisement to attain global appeal in consonance with its purpose of serving as an effective global ad campaign. In terms of motif, the commercial uses certain signs and symbols to reinforce its textual content. The first is the use of light, especially sunlight. As a signifier, the light usually connotes wisdom, knowledge and power. The use of sun, the source of all life, foreshadows the answer to the question raised by the commercial. In the beginning, the characters are in darkness, like the viewer deciphering the answer to the query p osed by the advertisement. The characters become progressively more lit as the commercial progresses. A second signifier is the use of mist, haze, fog and even blurring, all of which signify a sense of mystery. This can suggest the sense of intrigue one experiences during travel along with the viewer lack of clarity about where the commercial will take him at its onset. A third important sign is water again a sign of sustenance and life and a sign of purity. The first subconscious reader response to water helps to make the answer, that the journey is life, more meaningful. The second response connects to the purity of the moments of awe during travel and the true passion for travel. The characters are themselves dressed and positioned in ways that clearly segregates them from the environment establishing them as outsiders. Moreover, they are more glamorous than others in their environment reinforcing the luxury value of the brand. In totality, the choice of visuals helps to establis h a sense of beauty attached to travel and a true love for traveling. Visuals capture ones bliss during moments that surpass awe while journeying, and the need to treat life as ones most fascinating journey. The aural technique used in the Louis Vuitton commercial is background score or music. The score for the commercial was composed by the famous music director Gustavo-Santaolalla (Terrazas 2008). Since the commercial was part of a set of advertisements catering to global television marketing for the brand, it can be analyzed on two fronts. First is its connection to the type of musical score the brand has used in the past for its marketing. Second is the subconscious impact it has on the viewer since color and music are two aspects that influence at a deeper subconscious level. Louis Vuitton commercials in the past have commonly relied on specifically composed Louis Vuitton signature music (Lindstrom 2005, 125) and this commercial is no different. As a result, the score does not have any prior emotional connotations attached to it, allowing the makers to influence consumer perceptions from scratch. The music is slow and subtle in congruence with the slowness and serenity of the visual s. The dominant instrument throughout the score is a string instrument with chimes and other wind sounds supplementing it. The commercial begins with a subtle wind instrument immediately evoking a sense of mystery and drawing the viewer into the commercial from its onset. Slow chimes are often associated with feelings of pleasantness (Meyer 2008, 87). The string instrument then strikes an even deeper emotional connect through louder and isolated notes. The same rhythm repeats throughout the advertisement further reinforcing the Conduplicatio journey and an attempt to decipher its true meaning throughout the advertisement. Moreover, the repetition helps to remember the advertisement even after viewing, through production of deep memory traces that play a crucial role in consumer decision-making (Wells 1997, 241). In addition to music, the absence of diegetic sounds also draws viewer attention to the commercial. Sounds such as a books pages turning due to the winds, kids shouting as t hey run, the sound of water splashing are all absent from the commercial though some of the visuals are in close up. This lack of sound also makes one pay attention to what is being shown in the advertisement. In totality, the soothing nature of the musical score coupled with its repetitive rhythm reinforces the nature of visual content and brings the viewer into an introspective mood. The lack of diegetic sounds further make one notice the visuals by not reinforcing their content. A third dominant facet of the commercial is the use of subtitles that appear across the duration of the commercial. The commercial begins by raising the question, What is a Journey? It then begins to add one layer of meaning over another to fully answer the question and terminates with the disclosure that journey is life itself (Paris 2008). The advertisement, however, ends with another question Where will life take you? (Paris 2008). The word journey is used throughout the video as a Conduplicatio or a repeated keyword pulling out important ideas from sentences and reinforcing them in other sentences (Farnsworth 2011, 7). The process of repetition enhances the probability that viewer attention will be centered towards the repeated word at some stage of viewing (Wells 1997, 241). The word life again finds a similar usage as it is repeated in the final two phrases of the commercial. The words journey and life are the prime takeaways of a viewer from the video. These two signifiers are aimed at signifying the Louis Vuittons passion for enabling its consumers to discover places and themselves as they traverse the journey of life. Overall, the advertisement uses emotional transfer to link the brand with emotions one experiences upon viewing the commercial (Kenny 2005, 72). The attempt is to evoke ones passion in living and traveling and directly transfer it to a passion for making Louis Vuitton brand a lifetime partner along ones journeys. This transfer is achieved through a combination of subtitles, visuals and musical score. The subtitles immediately encourage the viewer to ponder upon the meaning of a journey. The visuals strive to capture those moments during travel that extend well beyond their physical existence in the minds of the travelers. They depict the blissful state one finds oneself in when witnessing such moments and that such moments are not confined to vacation destinations alone. The musical score reinforces a sense of tranquility and awe experienced during these moments. The emotional transfer attempt becomes most visible through the final two subtitles Where will life take you? and Louis Vu itton (Paris 2008). The remainder of the commercial evokes feelings of awe and love for life. These can then be transferred to a love for a luxurious and enriched life that Louis Vuitton can help one achieve. The duration of the commercial is just apt for exploring the meaning of a journey. The advertisement effectively communicates the passion of Louis Vuitton for providing its consumers with a luxurious lifestyle along their journey of life.